My ears have been pleasantly set alight.
Too often it appears as if one must resort to crude insults or intellectual music bashing in order to find music to discuss. However, there are those rare and dramatic moments in whiteboydancefloor's short folklore where a band engulfs our ear drums in sweet sweet nectar.
Tigercity are one of these such revelations. Their approach is not significantly unique or ground breaking, but much like Daft Punk and electro, what these guys from Brooklyn, New York do, they do very well. WBDF chief editor Chris accurately identified "they are the sum of their influence" but by no means use this as a heuristic for what Tigercity present.
As Tigercity confess, they "LOVE POP MUSIC" and quite honestly, it is refreshing to witness sounds from a band whom aren't cracking some new cutting edge mould but who are still setting souls (of shoes) on fire.
Their self titled ep "TIGERCITY" is what I'm calling one of my Best ep's of 2006 and yes I'd go that far! The singles "are you sensation" & "cloakrooms" which particularly struck a chord with my ears, but no song is out of place. All branching off in sprinkles of electro guitar pop but each song remains its own.
With other blogs wasting their time talking about filfth like Audioslave, Jessica Simpson & Nelly Furtado because Sam Champion is probably still opening for Danni Monogue, we'll concern ourselves with delivering some quality. Mind you not all blogs share this same lack of integrity as i discovered props must go to bigstereo whom already featured Tigercity.
So if by nothing else in your opinions that comparison, Tigercity wins hands down. You can stream the whole ep via their website.
Myspace: Tigercity
WWW: Tigercity official website
Not that it matters, but they sure are a good looking bunch aswell aren't they.
[Tigercity][pop music]
Hey there! Thanks for featuring Tigercity. I love "Are You Sensation" and I play that song all the time. I saw them live last month here in New York and they're going to be playing again next month. i hope they perform the new version of Are You Sensation since they have an another demo EP coming out soon. I'm looking forward to getting it.
Head on down to www.whoneedsradio.com for live video of their annex performance. it should be in the late july section of the site. thanks again for featuring them. you've got great taste!
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