New Mars Volta album is out, hoorah I hear you say. Here is an mp3 from it, but not everyone is impressed. I was bored so I decided to write this semi-rant, enjoy or disagree I don't care.
MP3: The Mars Volta - Viscera Eyes
I've discovered a trend, one that has been around for a good few years and started precisely at the moment that two members of arguably the best band to emerge out of the nineties, At The Drive In, released an album by their new prog-rock band The Mars Volta. The Tremulant E.P. marked their entry onto the scene in 2002, a more restrained teaser in comparison to their later work yet still ambitious and grandois in nature. Reviews were promising, quite possibly a hangover from the death of the astonishingly brilliant ATDI, with anything from Cedric Bixler and Omar Rodriguez being lauded most likely by association.
However soon after, band member Jerry Ward died and the band embarked on a concept album based on his alleged experience in a comatose state. It was lyrically esoteric, musically exploratory and intense, yet still accessable. De-loused in the Comatorium was praised by those in the musical cognoscenti, fawned over by ex-ATDI fans and worshipped by musicians everywhere. But alas, the critics were not impressed. Many threw themselves at the feet of TMV, claming they are not worthy. Yet many others started a sport I dub 'Volta bashing', led by those self-appointed tastemakers known as indie web zines. One particular webzine, Pitchfork Media, claimed it was void of melody, laughed at the indeceipherable lyrics and the horrible term 'aural onanism' was dragged out by various writers from other publications.
Album number two Frances The Mute brought out the wolves again. An album which in reality is quite fantastic, where the band took an even more ambitious path maintaining the frenetic guitar licks and stunning percussion of their debut but reinvented it with a more latin feel to much success. However critically it was a nightmare. Online music zine Cokemachineglow panned its lyrical acrobatics and sheer scale, whilst perennial TMV hater Pitchfork broke the harsh meter claiming the album was '
A homogeneous shitheap of stream-of-consciousness turgidity'. Ouch.
So on to their latest L.P. Ampitecture, which was again predictably enjoyed by the punters, hated by the critics. A journalist from the Sunday Telegraph here in Sydney claimed it was 'Quite possibly the worst album of the year'. Stylus Magazine joined the hate brigade in a less abraisive fashion, believe that the bands latest will only appeal to 'a devoted few', whilst our Pitchfork buddies out the knives again and using the oh so original 'blizzard of onanism' line in dissing this L.P. I guess thats what the get for being an ambitious, techically brilliant and exciting bunch of musicians; you get called a bunch of wankers.
The point I am trying to make is that how can a band, loved by so many people who actually know about and give a shit about music, be hated so much by the so-called 'tastemakers'who purport to trumpet different and exciting music? Having been a fan since the De-Loused days, seen them live on two seperate occasions and been absolutely awe-struck both times, I think many of these critics need to move on from the sport of 'Volta-bashing', and stop heaping praise on shit like Lily Allen and Sandi Thom.
now thats blogging.
i love to hate pitchfork, i think thats wat they want from me.
I like Lily Allen :p!... and i must confess, whilst a fan of the previous two albums, im quite disappointed by the latest- case of too much of a good thing perhaps? or maybe my ears just aren't in the epic frame of mind this season.
i think it's a case of everyone not being used to a band continually putting themselves out there uniquely and authentically. we're all used to bands making f-ups like muse and the futureheads and then allowing us all to mis take it for something greater than an unreliable frisbee.
In my opinion, quite easily the best act at this years Big Day Out. Also Frances The Mute was one of my favourite albums of last year(?).
MV are two incredibly talented musicians and this is clearly portrayed on stage - they're complete masters of improv - every song different than when they played it last.
I'll be there at the Horden this November. Also agree completely about Pitchfork - too often they turn on a great band, and too often they'll nurture a terrible band
morning baron
i think thats what being an big name american blogger is all about, promoting filth
Afternoon now (god I'm tired!).
Exactly right Pix. Some of these big guns are pushing their weight around. What happened to the chivalrous days of writing about the stuff you enjoy rather than hate (although I did say something indirectly about old Nolesy last night ;) ). I prefer to ignore the bad stuff - it's easier anyway.
By the way... great little post there guys.
see despite my anti-pitchfork bias in this piece, i do actually like what they do and i respect the fact that they offer an honest opinion (do yourselves a favour and read their review of that horrid jet album LOL).however i resent the fact they, and others constantly diss TMV, and can't see their obvious brilliance.
i do agree with you baron that youve got to push the stuff you enjoy beacuse obviously it deserves it, but i do believe that getting stuck into artists who are total crap yet receive countless accolades is quite enjoyable (i.e. u2, arctic monkeys). thats what i love about blogging :)
the story with the mars volta is that they keep making the same music they've been making for the past 4 years. sure its good, sure its technically amazing compared to alot of crap these days but most of these reviewers are never going to give these albums the multiple listens they really need to discern the finer points of the music. amputechture is a good album (certainly NOT album of the year) but if you're after something quick, digestible and listener friendly its really not that amazing. and thats why they'll never be particularly famous. and i dont think that bothers them. and it doesnt bother me. and while they're good live, standing around for 2 and a half hours watching a set that mainly consists of omar soloing and cedric dancing like a RETARD isnt everybodies cup of tea either.
but f-ups like muse? come on. muse are certainly, and probably alot more deservedly recognised as an amazing band because they've managed to shift units as well and not go over the top with self-indulgence and chronic substance abuse. 4 albums in and muse have certainly done alot more for their sound than TMV.
and for what it is, and that is pop, lily allen is certainly providing her own individuality and crass brand of everyday observation mixed with fun beats and a tongue in cheek nature. she does alot of the stuff by herself and for a 21 year old bogan i find that admirable. and shes pretty alright.
id tap it
i do like lily allen's wry observations on life i must admit, however musically and vocally i can't stand her. but hey, opinions are what we are all about here in blog-land
yeh well yunno what
im a tastemaker.
........and i dont taste it
all these people with their differing opinions should start a kick ass blog!
the word needs diversity in this blogcity
i love At The Drive-In and The Mars volta Better then all this other crap on the radio . i think all there albums are good(Listen to Them Everyday) =) .i appreciate the good music they have been making =)
the mars volta is by far the best band ever. sure at the drive in was the best of the 90's and cerdric and omar both knew that the end of that band wasnt gonna stop them from continuing to make great music. originality is more appreciated than any radio scum.
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