Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Final Countdown!

It seems as if this week is going to be a run off your feet busy affair for the other whiteboydancefloor crew with work and university, so being the least committed at both I thought I'd take it upon myself to make this week one big countdown to Playground Weekender. I am absolutely foaming at the mouth to get down there for some serious whiteboy crunking.

I am supposed to be at university in an hour, so I am just freestylin' it.

When i was umming and ahhhing over who to feature first, like a sign from the gods, Rays of Zdarlight by The Avalanches came on and I needed no more proof of who would be my first cab off the rank.

I have certain acts where I envisage a scenario where there music just flips to crowd right out into the depths of outer space. What I see for the Avalanches Dj Set is one that involves everyone extremely intoxicated and possibly a touch of rain sending everyone alittle bonkers. The Avalanches are becoming real sure-bets for a good time and I am expecting no less than some of the finest Dj sets I will ever witness. Sublime song selection and seamless mixing.

Mp3: The Avalanches - Rays of Zdarlight

For anyone who knows me well or at the very least reads this flippin' blog, will know full well of the undying passion I hold for Larissa from The Hate Game (band formerly known as Vendettas) and not even a horrid name change could stop be loving her and her music.

So commanding onstage, I think Chuck from S/Club put it best in a comment on one of my other love The Hate Game posts when he said "God damn Larissa, So unattainable". But i think that is part of the allure, I have stood not 3 metres away from her and been silenced, I could not bring myself to find the right words.

Love aside, the music is bloody fantastic aswell, energetic and quite fresh. You won't see any prissy I stand there and sing shit from Larissa and her posse, they get down down down and dirty. If your like me and have been too lazy to see them as often as you know you should as they gig around Sydney, show some love when you check em down at Playground Weekender.

Mp3: The Hate Game - Too many days

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