Monday, April 9, 2007

New Music Enter

I thought rather than shoving a band a day down your throats, I'd give you a smattering of new tunes that have been on rotation around my office. We apologise for the lack of posting but time has not been complimentary to whiteboydancefloor over the Easter period. We were the bastards dealing with your Easter shit when you came out to eat at our restaurants. So fuck you all (if it applies).

Swipe Inc were one of those acts that basically fell into my lap. The wonders (and perils) of myspace provided a chance encounter with Swipe Inc and much the same as the Belles Will Ring experience, I was pleasantly surprised. Swipe Inc may have a name which is slightly dubious but there is nothing dubious about them musically, they evoke the same kind of warm enjoyment I get from Loney Dear. The track "Seven Story Serpent" displays some accomplished song writing and a clearly defined sound. What impresses me the most is that "Seven Story Serpent" comprises many parts but it succeeds in not being too in your face. I think with this genre of music, the skill is in the subtlety to take you somewhere else. Swipe Inc will have little trouble slipping snuggly into your indie music collection.

Mp3: Swipe Inc - Seven Story Serpent

Motocade have a very well developed sound which I have decided will fill the void left by The Vespers. Not because they sound the same but rather listening to Motocade delivers the same kind of organic enjoyment I got from The Vespers. You can throw around all the New Zealand's answer to... tags but really it is superfluous to the fact that they construct some very exciting sounds. I cannot see them staying a secret confined to the small worlds of New Zealand for long, they couldn't keep Shaky Hands and they won't keep Motocade. Fuck it, we'll even give em Russell Crowe back, we never wanted him anyway.

I spent almost a month in New Zealand as a younger teen, part of it with my Uncle in the heart of Auckland and I must say I am surprised. The kind of texture that is present in Motocade's sound is a phenomena I never really thought Auckland was capable of evoking. For me, there is a new found sense of intrigue that i must go back.

They have just released their new ep Into the fall and from the tracks I have heard, it contains rich melodies and accomplished musicianship. Really all you need to know is that with Motocade, you can't go wrong and they certainly won't disappoint.

Mp3: Motocade - My Friends

Finally, I will finish on longtime white boy favourites, Gang Awry have released yet another track from their soon to be released debut LP "Politics". We all fell in love with "Needing a new high" and I think my favourite aspect to Gang Awry is there intent to continue evolving and expanding their repertoire. "Pretty Mess" gave us something less funk dynamo but maybe you could say more digestable and it received some radio play on FBI. I tell you the first time I heard Gang Awry randomly come on my radio, I couldn't help but smile from ear to ear. There latest track"Take me over yonder" expands on the light and shade which "Pretty Mess" prepared us all for and envelopes me in another clear demonstration of Nick Norton's endless array of vocal talent. Gang Awry seem to never forget to rock whilst not strangely the beauty of music. A delicate but sublime balance for any band to get right. I think my most proud realisation is that Gang Awry have a sound you know belongs to them, there is not two ways about it.

Mp3: Gang Awry - Take me over yonder

Politics is out APRIL 16TH!!!

Now. I don't want to get into one of those I'm an anti consumerism ranter, But honestly Easter is probably the biggest joke on the holiday calendar right up there with the Queen's Birthday. I consider myself quite religious, believe in god, believe in the whole religious message behind Easter and whatever. But deadset nobody really gives two shits, there is not "easter spirit" even for myself, my beliefs were over ridden by my belief in working for Public holiday and Sunday rates. So why should ungrateful pricks like myself get anything? Anyways I'll leave that one with you guys.


Anonymous said...

i like that swipe inc and if swipe inc's singer had just something a little more the'd be big, their music reminds me of 'the whitest boy alive' but the singing makes 'the whitest boy alive' that much more better, but other then that swipe inc are decent, i dont like motocade and i don't like gang awry prob to do with the fact i don't really like that sort of music.

Nick Fulton said...

We don't want Russel Crowe back. There's plenty of good music over here so I hope you ain't Kiwi bashing.

Pix said...

how many dudes ya know flow like this.... rofl

Nick Fulton said...

Ha, Cheers dude

Pix said...

i just wanna say i love my kiwis... and down in penrith junior rugby league, they loved me too

that is... they loved beating the shit out of me every saturday.