Saturday, June 2, 2007

Hearts on Fire @ Manning Bar

Hearts were indeed on fire @ the Manning Bar on this Thursday just gone as the young Sydney glitterati turned out in full force for what was one of very few chances to see Cut Copy. They are gaining a knack for selling out venues of late. Missing out on tickets to their other shows, this rare chance to see the return of the DFA touched lads was too good an oppurtunity to miss.

All the kids (myself included) pulled out all stops in the fashion stakes with PeteVersusToby responsible for what I thought was a killer set of threads. I fear these guys won't stay my little Glebe Market secret for very long. Deadset, when I see people wearing the Tsubi range available at General Pants, I nearly die of laughter, you might as well go buy Jay Jays because less people would have it.

Moving on. The line up for this show was equally as tasty. It wasn't solely about Cut Copy. Starting off this evening (apart from a DJ whose name I am not aware of but was indeed very very good) was the Dardanelles. Normally it isn't really appropriate or "the done thing" to dance to the opening act of the night and hailing from arch nemesis Melbourne, a friendly response was not assured for a non hometown act. However, the kids seemed to ditch that kind of thinking because a band like Dardanelles deserves more than arms folded and head nods. The injection of some furiously strummed guitar was a slicing and salivating sound to my dance filled ears. I even made sure not to fold the arms and to provide a bit of leg movement however I was not ripping out any moves just yet. The mountains of empty space would have made me mediocrity stand out too much. Personal favourite was "Ofcourse you said" as I knew it well from the RIB remix, but I mean I was highly impressed overall. My knowledge of the band was limited to what S/Club had provided me with however I left impressed.

Myspace: Dardanelles

Next up was Ajax. I won't go into his set too much because I mean anyone who is reading this and isn't aware of what Ajax can produce is really sheltered or not from around here. When he arrived, the dance floor was completely packed out. That is not to say the Dardanelles didn't get close to that also. For Ajax's standards, I wouldn't say it was his most technical or mind blowingly crunking performance however Ajax never disappoints. He's still a white boy king though.

Myspace: Ajax

Charging onward to the arrival of Cut Copy. From a fantastic vantage point at what is now one of my favourite venues for viewing music, Cut Copy arrived on stage with little mucking about or drawn out introduction. It was clear they had come to do what they did best and didn't really bother incorporating any unnecessary theatrics. They were buoyed by the crowds response and it was evident the music would enchanting enough to keep the hords of screaming trendy's at bay. Giving the kids everything they want and more, Cut Copy ripped out all the expected ones like "Saturdays", "Time Stands Still" & "Going Nowhere" you could not have asked for more. I believe, Cut Copy ripped out a few new tracks (either that or I've become uncultured) and from what I heard, Cut Copy have certainly got one of the releases of 2007 in their hot little hands, waiting to be released to the salivating kids keen for dance floor glory.

Myspace: Cut Copy

With the obvious closer "Hearts on fire" leaving everyones heart pumping enough to hang around for some solid without being fantastic sounds produced by Bandit DJs. In farness, Bandit DJ's did get better as the set went on and the other kids did not stop dancing so maybe it was just me. I suppose they did bring a bit of much needed white boy crunking action to the fold. I guess when I come from an area that produced the horrors of resident Bloc Djs, I cannot comment. "Put ya hands up" *gunshots*

All in all, for a night that cost a ridiculously cheap 24 bux, I couldn't sing the praise of the night high enough. Fun shouldn't be this easy.


I Drive The Bandwagon said...

recycled picture. tut tut.

Anonymous said...

By far the uber coolest party in a while. Talk about BAPE hoodies where out in force, but yes some good looking fashion victims out and about on thursday night. Cut copy = amazing, new tracks of upcomming album = hits of 2007 and Ajax as always got the party cranking.

Pix said...

last time i checked. all our pictures were from stolen myspace

however im sure you were at the party of the year and have plentiful photos to provide :P

I Drive The Bandwagon said...

At Sydney Uni's E.O.S party?!! NEVER! come now Pix surely you know UNSW students are their sworn enemies :p

But come to think of it where the hell was I that night? I think i was in a VIP lounge at the Gaelic Club drinking beer with The Used....or was that Wednesday night..

Pix said...

Cut copy > the used

but your rivalry explanation satisfies me lol...