Tuesday, July 24, 2007

I have these punks on the ropes

Photo taken by Kristian Hawker

I heart hiroshima are delightful. With every little EP they release they ever so slowly hydrate me with another replenishing droplet of nurturing sounds. With each EP, they get better and better maturing and growing even more enchanting than a soon to be legal Emma Watson.

Lately it seems the natural progression of many Australian bands is to drop the debut EP maybe follow it up with a second if that and then dive headfirst into the realms of making the dangerous LP's. A trend I heart hiroshima seem to have bucked thus far with 3 EP's that when put together a lesser outfit would have passed as an album. Instead, making them individual entities in a larger franchise, much like Harry Potter, we are able to see a collective developing with every new release. I suppose in some ways you could say I heart hiroshima are like the ideal girlfriend, they don't give it all away on the first date but once you get comfortable with them and vice versa, they give it up like a nun just out of the habit.

However, don't think I heart hiroshima are some virginal EP machine. This teasing and taunting all culminates in August with what im sure is going to be an exciting release entitled "Tuff Teef". The first single "Punks" has really resonated with me for some unknown reason and the male/female shared vocals are just inspiring.

I heart hiroshima are touring in August with kiwis The Mint Chicks.

Mp3: I heart hiroshima - Punks