Sunday, September 13, 2009

Findings from the Mailbox

I don't think there is a blogger with a pulse that doesn't love having sensational music sent directly to them. While of course 90% of it is total bullshit from pathetic little promo email whores, there are those finds which make you get excited about the whole process. These two are tracks that have been filling my trips to and from work all weekend.

Sometimes I think a good song is all that stops me from intentionally crashing my car to avoid another weekend of working.

Youtube: Alberta Cross - ATX
I must be careful when going over the top, but all I can say about Albert Cross is that their full length Broken Side of Time makes me really feel something. I cannot fully explain it but it makes me very moody, really powerful album. ATX is brilliant and has some really hypnotic guitar but it isn't an accurate reflection of the entire album, get your hands on Broken Side of Time and give tracks like "Song 3Three Blues" & "Old Man Chicago" a crack.

Mp3: Bridezilla - Beaches
I saw these guys at the first Playground Weekender. They left the small but appreciative audience totally spellbound. I am convinced they are some kind of enchantresses who enslave me under their sounds. Beaches does nothing to disprove this conspiracy. They continue to smash the high expectations I have set them and are making all the right noises overseas. Definite inductees into the White boy Total Babes Hall of coming soon...or not.

Just a final tid bit... if you didn't get down to Hermann's Bar this weekend just gone to check James De La Cruz' (Avalanches fame) new monthly called Somethin' Else. I suggest you keep checkin' this space for the next one because it's totally fab. Dj's playing what they want, how they want, because they want. None of this RNB 9-11 and Electro 11-1 bullshit.

Join the Facebook group and make sure you keep your eyes and ears primed for October's installment of this fine night!


Javid van der Piepers said...

i for one object to the induction of bridezilla. ive also seen them live and contary to yourself thought they absolutely sucked. ive been more entertained by a lava lamp.

but never mind my personal objections

Pix said...

haha tis what wbdf is all about dayve each to their own!

not making excuses or anything but when i saw them there was very small crowd (as was everyone playing first playgrounder) very intimate, perfect summer night and being such a small little courtyard, the crisp twang of the violins and clarinets came through really well.