Friday, September 18, 2009

Thank God it's Friday (For you)

So the best part of the week is only hours away for many of you. I'm sure you can smell the freedom, the sharp scent of brandy (ok most of you are probably more vodka red bull plebs), the drunken bitches, the swanky night clubs with the cover charges that are all the same once you walk inside and how could I forget, the douche bags with collared shirts that walk into you. The man in the photo above is Nates... he knows how to party... since I never get to party with him anymore, I thought I'd immortalise his beautiful face in whiteboy folklore.

It's not hard to tell I'm bitter... the weekends are for the living.

Mind you if you want to come visit myself or Javid... we do great steak.
Some cool tracks to get you weekends going :)

Mp3: Malente & Dex feat. Analogik - Gypsi Kings
Don't know a thing about the origins of this track, but it oozes the cool factor. The sax is really mischievous and I am a total sucker for any raspy dude that throws out random barking type noises throughout. Imagine finishing early on a friday and going mental, getting pissed mid afternoon, in the sun, at your favourite open air bar setting... Coogee anyone?

Mp3: Soft Pack - Extinction
On first listen, a very primitive track. On second listen, A very primitive track. If it takes you more than three to work out this track is brilliant, head to your nearest cliff and jump off it.

Mp3: Ernest Ellis - Heading for the Cold
It's as if this track is fighting against its own catchyness. Despite the name, when I hear tracks like this one, I'm uplifted at the arrival of spring. Definitely got that kind of sunny vibe to it. Oww don't forget that it has got some great hand clap potential.

Mp3: Heads we Dance - Model 21 (Justin Faust Remix)
These guys are favourites at whiteboydancefloor. I really get the polyester girl theme from this track, not because it sounds similar but because it embraces beautiful love that can be shared (illegally) between man and machine. Well... at least that is the twisted message I took from it haha. Our millions of twitter fans would already have this one.


Pix said...

oww eda

always great to hear from you

you're a true fan

are you still selling your various creams and lotions?

Clint said...

I know where I'm going wrong, I should be posting hot guys and not girls! What a babe!

Nancy Magoo said...

Yes you should...

Topless guys.

Pix said...

clint could just take photos of himself

clint = total babe magnet

Unknown said...

Así como el estudio de la Música sólo puede realizarse oyendo obras musicales, el de la literatura sólo puede hacerse leyendo obras literarias. Suele ser creencia general que para "saber literatura" basta conocer la historia literaria, Esto es tan erróneo como pretender que se entiende de Pintura sabiendo dónde y cuándo nacieron los grandes pintores, y conociendo los títulos de sus cuadros, pero no los cuadros mismos. Al conocimiento de la literatura se puede llegar: a) En extensión, mediante la lectura de obras completas o antologías amplias. b) En profundidad, mediante el comentario o explicación de textos."

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