Friday, April 30, 2010

Things Bogans Like: The Footy Show

I thought I take some inspiration from one of my favourite and most socially accurate websites

Let's get straight down to the nitty gritty of my point, the sooner The Footy Show totally revamped the better. As the years have rolled on, I along with many have watched The Footy Show descend into a total snooze fest, more capable of making me fall asleep than laughing. When a Thursday night rolls around, I'm more liking to have a laugh at Stuart Bocking on 2UE AM Radio than the Vautin led sham.

If you are like myself and are lucky enough to have Foxtel, I'm sure you have enjoyed the fantastic NRL on Fox presentation each week which delivers extremely high quality analysis (please don't mean that other joke program with Hagan & Kimmorley) but also delivers plenty of laughs aswell. Hell if you've ever given the Continuous Call Team a crack on the weekends, they far out-do the Footy Show for laughs without even having the use of visuals (probably for the best).

The Footy Show needs a total overhaul. I fully understand the Thursday night installment is meant to be more a comedy variety show but if it isn't making anyone laugh then what good is it? World Football & AFL are gradually encroaching on Sydney's turf and bit by bit eroding away the heartlands of Rugby League. The last thing we need is our supposed Premier rugby league show to be a total embarrassment for what I think is a brilliant game.

My little rant all came about from watching the NRL Summertime program where by a budget media crew go around to the pre-season training of the NRL clubs, talks of their new signings and the personal and team goals of different players and coaches. For any NRL fan, this kind of insight is a real treat to watch as it delves into the inside workings of the all important pre-season and gets a bit of buzz going about the NRL before it's even started. When we have quality like NRL Summertime & NRL on Fox doing the payTV rounds, surely the FreeToAir viewers deserve better, The Sunday Footy Show only does so much when expert analysis comes from someone like Brad Fittler... astonishingly natural skill but never fantastic at articulating exactly how he executed these skills.

Sadly Channel Nine have a knack for turning supreme rugby league minds into embarrassing Krusty the Clown gaggers who in pursuit of the almighty paycheck, sacrifice their dignity. I am talking of course about Phil Gould & Andrew Johns, two great minds of the game who are not funny people, they're intense personality with a wealth of interesting insights into the game, yet Channel Nine would much prefer them running the Falcon segment or That's Gold 2010.

Here is my idea for a Thursday Night Footy Show that would have a bit more Rugby League respectability.

*Peter Sterling remaining as a panalist but not co-host. I'm personally not a fan but he has valued insights and comments about Rugby League. Some of his gaffs also produce a chuckle even from hardened critics like myself.
*Darryl Brohman kept on the panel but banned from having any kind of Darryl knows segment. No scripted jokes because he can't pull them off. Again he knows more about Rugby League than he sometimes allows his "Big Mahn" persona to let on.
*Phil Gould banned from the panel and only used for pre-recorded serious interviews or important weeks like State of Origin where he knows so much. However banned from attempting any jokes and doing any walking monologues on the field before a State Of Origin.
* Beau Ryan kept as Street Talk practical joker so that the bogans aren't totally alienated.
* Wendell Sailor, whether you love his character or not when it comes down to it he has immense football smarts and intimate knowledge of players and coaches. Great for an insight into a teams preparation and player mentality.

* Andrews Johns only used for sideline comments on match day. For the record, I am an enormous Joey / Knights fan.
*Andrew Voss and Danny Weidler given life bans from anything to do with Rugby League.
* Mario Fenech moved on to comunity radio / tv where we will never see him again.
*Paul Vautin, you've bumbled along for far too long. Will only be remebered as a B-grade host and one-time fluke Origin coach. Perhaps he could join Hey Hey It's Saturday, he'd fit right in.
New Blood
* Ray Hadley moved back onto the panel. I rarely agree with his opinions but he has the kind of credibility and standing within the game to be a great figurehead and host.
* Billy Birmingham moved onto the panel. You may laugh but anyone who listens to his 12th Man cds knows the man is a comedic genius and further more anyone who has watched The Back Page on Fox Sports knows that his all round sporting knowledge is incredible.
* Paul Kent - O.k so maybe not every week but his performances on the Matty Johns show in controversy corner have been commendable. Particularly against Big Willie, Kent really pulled all the punches and got Willie to be more open and honest than ever.


Nancy Magoo said...

I saw Mario Fenech at a Bakers Delight in Cronulla once, he kept staring at my hair or something.

There are many things disturbing about that sentence.

Anonymous said...

Danny Weidler should be put in jail for stealing precious oxygen. It is pathetic watching him trying to be a lebo/islander/aboriginal gangster, hanging around Solomon Haumono and John Ibrahim like they are his "homies".

Mel said...

ah the footy show is pathetic!

they need to get rid of Vautin

Anonymous said...

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