My name is: Kurt Reifler
I play in: Kill Kurt Reifler
We sound like: Robert Johnson with a lightning bolt up his ass.
Inspired by:Black American Music created no later than 1980.
We reside in: Melbourne currently, New York generally, Florida during the holidays, and we tour enough to legitimately claim homelessness. We will be touring the USA starting to January behind our new release, Sure as the Swing of a Pendulum.
Our local music scene is: Wherever the hell we are. New York is where we felt the most comfortable and came together as a band. We get pretty neatly categorized into the “rock” category and people are generally pretty disappointed that we don’t have visible tattoos, stud belts, and exclusively black T-shirts.
Our best gig to date was: In some ways it would be the first Melbourne show we played at this dive bar in Fitzroy this past May. It meant so much to us just to be playing again after a pretty long hiatus. It was like losing your virginity…again. And perhaps the second cherry popping is all pleasure and no pain.
The song that gets me dancing is: Son of a Preacher had me bopping the other day in the coffee shop. “The only man who could ever teach me…”
First album I bought: Dad gave me the Red Hot Chili Pepper’s Blood Sugar Sex Magic for Hannukah in 1992. I’m a half Jew so I always got Christmas presents and Hannukah presents. What a deal! Anyway, that album changed my life in a lot of ways, but not for almost a decade later. In fact, I got rid of it at a local CD exchange (remember CDs!) and then had to re-buy it when I was in high school. Flea is Jesus Christ, in bass form.
Do you play Fifa? No – I suck at video games, and I like to pretend to be good at things…so I avoid the things I suck at. That keeps me looking cool.
Favourite Restaurant: Taco Bell! If you are on tour, only have a dollar in your pocket, need a meal, and are open to the idea of pooping your pants, Taco Bell is THE place to be.
The thing I hate most about bloggers is: This is a trap, but I am going to walk into it. Blogging and Facebook, and Myspace (back in the dark ages of 2004, 2005) have given everyone a goddamn say in everything. Who cares what anyone thinks? I don’t even care what I think.
My Musical Guilty Pleasure is: The Neptunes. Every time Pharrell and company make a beat, no matter which crappy pop star it’s for, I always can feel it in some way.
The sporting team I follow is: The New York Knicks. I’m a huge basketball fan. I had to go Crown Casino SEVEN mornings in June to watch Los Angeles win the NBA Finals in Melbourne this year. I got in a screaming match with a Boston “fan” at the 6th game. The best part about arguing with Australians about basketball is that they don’t even know the rules. That would be like me trying to talk AFL with a lifelong footy fan. I’d look like an American asshole - which, coincidentally - is exactly what I am.
If I weren't a musician I would be: A prostitute. If I couldn’t give aural, I’d at least want to give oral.