Monday, October 11, 2010

Big Spending Day Out

Usually it's Javid who, each year, bitches about how much worse the Big Day Out is getting. What with it's steady influx of white-trash, telegraph reading, flag draped bogans and it's increasingly exorbitant prices, I tend to agree with him.

And naturally, this year is no different. I have no doubt that Ken West will never be setting his eyes on this post. But regardless I'd like to write an open letter to him just so I can get across some feelings I have towards the way the event organisation has gone over the past few years.
Unfortunately sarcastica font has still not been invented, so you'll just have to imagine the tone I'm using for this letter.

Dear Ken,

Thank you again for failing to announce a second Sydney Big Day Out show until after the first had already sold out.

I don't know if you're aware, but I'd say most people actually enjoy going with their friends to these things. Now, thanks to your efforts, I have to attempt to sell my tickets (that's right fucker, I'm going on Ebay) so I can attend one of the shows with the group of friends I originally intended to go with.

I'm sure it doesn't bother you either way that some people don't have a fast internet connection, which therefore excludes them from purchasing tickets; or others have to get up extremely early in the morning, so aren't able to stay up till midnight waiting for the tickets to go on sale. You already have our money so that's not your problem I guess.

On a lighter note though, thanks for finally adding Rammstein to the bill. I'm sure that will be enough to convince Javid Van Der Piepers that your festival maybe is still superior. Actually, I'm sure it won't. But you may not hear him complaining about it this year. That's been left to me instead.

And lastly, I noticed the ticket prices have increased again to about $165 incl. b/f this year. We're already paying about 10 bucks for a servo quality "meat" roll. Is it really too much to ask that, seeing as though we're already paying through the teeth, you could possibly provide some actual food for us punters to consume. I know there's a lot of bogans, but we don't all eat like them.
Just some food for thought.

Dean xo

Of course simply not going would solve all my qualms with the BDO. But after years of experiencing such wonders there, I don't want to have to turn my back.
Plus, there's some good bands playing so that bastard West has already won.

Don't get me wrong, I love the Big Day Out, but what the fuck is wrong with outlet selling?! As Soundwave has shown, in the age of the interweb, Outlets still work. And Soundwave last year was the most poorly organised music festival around.

So I'll take my ticket and my money to the Big Day Out spending all along the way and I'll continue to bitch about it.
But in the end, I'm still going to enjoy myself immensely and watch some fantastic bands. This is disappointing as, Mr West clearly enjoys exploiting this fact.

The first announcement has already been made as everyone who cares surely already knows. But I'll leave that detailed analysis to Dave as I'm sure he's itching to remind everyone that Rammstein are finally officially playing there. He's only been predicting their return for the last 5 years and it seems that finally he's right.


Javid van der Piepers said...

hahaha fuckin awesome
sadly for me ive been away for the announcements and the whole thing. im still not entirely sure about the lineup - all i know and care about is rammstein

and yes, for once in my life i was fucking right about something. maybe thats the trick. just keep saying its going to happen till it finally does. it only took me 5 years. it might take you longer... dean

Kaisha said...

hahaha perfect letter. I figured that there were enough decent acts on the bill to sustain a day of beer, bands and best friends. But I will still sit here and complain about the overpriced tickets. It's just something we will have to accept I think.

Anonymous said...

$165 plus booking fee! That is sickening. That is a lot of money to see a festival with a line-up that in no way reflects the current alternative music zeitgeist.

Although Rammstein may alone be worth the money...

Nancy Magoo said...


I demand a sideshow. I am definitely not going to review another BDO.

Clint said...

V8 supercars would be empty if a race day was on the same day.

$165 dollars, there robbing people!

Anonymous said...

I saw Iggy a couple of years at BDO. Definitely a must see if you are going. I would prefer to see him in a small club though rolling around on glass and having a toss over on the crowd like he did in the old days.

Javid van der Piepers said...

thats what YOU were doing at the arts factory the other night chris