If you're around my age (mid 20's) then, like myself, you'll notice a few of those bands that were active back in our time (read: the 90's) but now lay dormant are preparing themselves to take on the world again. So heres a bit of a look at some of the new music. Is it better? Perhaps, ultimately the best judge is you.
The Red Hot Chili Peppers are back for the first time since the release of the (if you're asking me) extremely middle of the road and disappointing Stadium Arcadium. The problem with that album was that, by putting 30-odd songs across two CDs instead of picking the best 10-14 you were met with an incredibly underwhelming feeling at the end of it all. Its like they were going for the SOAD style Hypnotize/Mesmerize thing and it just didn't work. I'm sure most of you will agree with me there. Anyway, the Chilis are back with a brand new album called 'I'm With You' - although the you is definitely not John Frusciante, who left the band back in 2009.
Hopefully I'm not the only one that listens to the first single and thinks 'well this is just a continuation of mediocrity'. I mean, its not a bad song, the opening riff is kind of badass but the new guitarist couldn't be any more pedestrian. Buying the album (thats right, I bought it) I can focus on a few good points - 1. Fleas bass is well mixed and pretty much the driving force behind the band... and thats about it. The sad thing is that the above single, despite its lack of impression-ness, is still one of the best songs on the CD. There are some good ones on there but definitely not enough to call the album recommendable. And as far as I'm concerned these guys have been around long enough to know whats expected. This is the epitome of the gradual slide that has happened to RHCP since 'By The Way' (arguably their last enjoyable album). It won't be featuring in the much-anticipated Javids Top 10 at the end of the year thats for sure.
Another band you'll remember, particularly for 90's based success is none other than Oasis. They made themselves known and either loved/loathed with catchy brit-rock reminiscent of the Beatles and of course for fucking Wonderwall and media coverage of sibling-spats. I love Oasis, I was lucky enough to see them three times before they parted ways, with the highlight being front and centre on the fence at Livid in 2002, the day before my HSC was to begin and when I really should have been studying. Anyway they split last year after Noel had finally had enough, and disappointingly too as it seemed they were still writing good stuff. Since then Liam Gallagher has gone off with a few of the other bandmembers and formed Beady Eye which ends up sounding remarkably as you'd expect - like Oasis, without the absolute genius of Noel Gallagher. Its not appalling, but it plods along and doesn't particularly break any boundaries.
Another band you'll remember, particularly for 90's based success is none other than Oasis. They made themselves known and either loved/loathed with catchy brit-rock reminiscent of the Beatles and of course for fucking Wonderwall and media coverage of sibling-spats. I love Oasis, I was lucky enough to see them three times before they parted ways, with the highlight being front and centre on the fence at Livid in 2002, the day before my HSC was to begin and when I really should have been studying. Anyway they split last year after Noel had finally had enough, and disappointingly too as it seemed they were still writing good stuff. Since then Liam Gallagher has gone off with a few of the other bandmembers and formed Beady Eye which ends up sounding remarkably as you'd expect - like Oasis, without the absolute genius of Noel Gallagher. Its not appalling, but it plods along and doesn't particularly break any boundaries.
Noel on the other hand has been quiet for a while now, doing acoustic shows here and there and whatnot. But the man is about to return with his own project Noel Gallaghers High-Flying Birds, the album is due out in about a months time and I'll be getting my hands on it as soon as I possibly can. The first single, The Death of You and Me came out a couple of weeks back and I've had it on pretty high rotation. Vocally it seems Noel is continuing the feel he was going for on the last Oasis album with a bit of high-range stuff but this truly demonstrates to me that Noel IS, and always was, the talented portion of Oasis. I'll still hold my breath for a reunion one day but if this is what I have to listen to while waiting its certainly enjoyable.
Primus always illicit a mixed response out of people. For those who've ever watched South Park or Robot Chicken, who've ever played Tony Hawk etc they no doubt provide awesome, perhaps stoned memories. For anyone thats ever learnt to play the bass guitar I can relate in the many hours of frustration that stem from trying to accomplish those basslines up to a Claypool-approved standard. They are truly brilliant but not everyones cup of tea. The last album Primus released was in 1999 (apart from one EP) - so they havent even released a studio album THIS CENTURY! When they got back together and played Soundwave and various other global festivals at the start of this year I was just happy to get a chance to see them. Then when they started playing new songs and speaking of a new album I almost creamed my pants... oh who am I kidding I DID cream my pants. Its the ORIGINAL line up (pre Frizzle Fry so you can't get more original than that) and from what has been heard the songs are typical Primus. If the objective is to keep the old fans happy and win some new ones I don't see them disappointing. The whole album has been available for streaming from the South Park Facebook page for the last week and a bit so I recommend going over and checking it out, even if the single is the ONLY song on the album that sounds like territory they've slightly covered before...
So there you go, a brief look at what a few people who defined my adolescence are doing these days. As critical as I may be of RHCP I can guarantee you that live these guys are another cup of tea and absolutely fantastic. That being said if they play a whole bunch of new album stuff I'd still be disappointed. Best bet though is to go out there and make your own mind up.
You might be thinking 'fuck the old shit, lets stay with the future of music, give the next generation a chance'' - as far as I'm concerned we DID give the next generation a chance and look what it gave us.. Bieber, Gaga, the Veronicas, fucking Short Stack, Reality TV contestants and Rebecca Black. The next generation doesnt DESERVE a chance. The next generation deserve a genocide, and if you disagree perhaps you and people like you do too. If you're 17 and listening to Bieber, shoot yourself. Or at least get the fuck away from this blog and NEVER come back.
I'm sorry, I'm not entirely sure where that came from.. needed to be said I guess. Welcome back to the dancefloor.