It's very bemusing and it's the same script every time I talk to someone.
"Alright I'll pick you up at 5", I say. "Cool. I'll see you after 6 then", my 'friend' replies smugly, like the prick he/she is. I don't really think I'm late that much to warrant a reoccurring scripted dialogue.
I just don't get it and quite frankly, it hurts my feelings.
But anyway, as you may know Javid and I went to Splendour in the Grass in Woodford QLD at the end of July. And so coming into October it only seems appropriate to release a short trailer of our Whiteboydancefloor Splendour Bender adventure. And just in time too.
Yes, just a trailer. The video is coming shortly. Smart making at uni takes time too you know.
The brand new editing software actually works and I am busy whipping up videos. I blame the length of time it took on Sony Vegas and it's inability to render footage, and nothing to do with my inability to do things so called 'quickly'.
Enjoy the WBDF Splendour preview...