Monday, April 10, 2006

I know its ladies week but the people must know!

Welcome all again to whiteboydancefloor!

Two words for you good people of blogger land... "Jock Jams". Anyone heard?

Well if you like me and have only just discovered it, it is just another fantastically pointless reason that typifies why America should be getting its shit into order before it goes starting any wars.

Jock Jams are albums released by Toyboy Records in the mid 1990's which featured all those songs that if you ever heard the music playing at an NBA or NFL match. Ridiculously cheesy yet catchy "you want me baby baby" songs. Never would anyone, not even americans be caught dancing to this stuff, unless theyre at an american sporting event, which somehow makes it all acceptable.

Long story shorter... some genius has made a myspace page out of it.
The entire Jock Jams series really culminated in the halariously brilliant mega mix featured on the myspace profile, so click away and crack up!!!