Sunday, October 15, 2006

Top 5: 'Weird Al' Yankovich Videos

Nerds of the world! Your musical demi-god is here! Love him or hate him, you cannot doubt that 'Weird Al' is doing something right by making a very successful career out of paroding pop music songs for over 25 years. Parody is something that is mostly hit or miss affair, but 'Weird Al' has churned out consistent quality laughs for a long period of time. Those outrageous lyrics are oft paired with equally outrageous videos, and here are my 5 favourite videos from the Weird one himself, you probabaly will disagree with me here ....and to many people's dismay, 'Fat' nor 'Eat It' don't even make my list.

5. The Saga Begins (1999)

Weird Al's response to Star Wars Episode 1 - The Phantom Menace is a 5 minute ode to the film which simultaenously parodies the Don McLean track 'American Pie'. The video isn't side-splittingly funny, but lyrically it is a triumph. Weird Al captures many of the plot elements of the film and coupled by some intergalactic dancing and in turn offers up a very funny track and video.

4. Like A Surgeon (1985)

This video is a fairly early one in his career, yet it still is brimming with those random objects of hilarity Weird Al videos are known for. Why does Weird Al look like Napoleon Dynamite? The rabbit out of the body? The Operation game board on the wall? And that dancing at the end LOL. Madonna would be proud.

3. White and Nerdy (2006)

His latest offering is one of his most clever and amusing. The cameo from Donny Osmond is icing on the cake for a video highlighted by amusing references to HTML, Monty Python and orthodontic-approved grills. Never has it been so cool be white and nerdy. OK, I admit. I did see alot of me in this video.

2 . Smells Like Nirvana (1992)

The intensity of grunge is ripe for parody and the video for 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' was a prime target for the Weird Al treatment. Weird Al pounces on Kurt Cobain's poor command of articulation and creates a veritable Wheres Wally of amusing moments in the chaotic background. The guy on fire and the dude who loses his arm gets me every time.

1. Amish Paradise (1996)

The Amish, however lovely they are, were asking for it. Weird Al puts on the beard and hat for this clip and spits come very clever rhymes over Coolio's 'Gangsters Paradise' with some hilarious visuals featuring obnoxious tourists, amish pr0n and barn building. Fool!

1 comment:

Pix said...

hahaha cameo from brady bunch mum florence henderson in armish paradise.