Tuesday, July 3, 2007


Today's post is quite a special one. Not only does it deliver something completely different to the normally trodden paths of the whiteboydancefloor crew, but it is also the inaugural post of whiteboydancefloor's newest recruit Jess.

Five Reasons for Going to a Rockabilly/Psychobilly Gig
(based on seeing Zombie Ghost Train and the Nekromantix at the Annandale)

1) If you’ve ever wanted to dance around like a fool, waving your hands around rock n’ roll style, this is the place to do it and feel like no one cares. In fact it’ll probably give you cred if you manage pull off the moves (which I didn’t, but really, considering I had never attempted to dance in this way before I reckon I did alright; no one threw anything at my head so that’s a start). If you also enjoy a sing-a-long then this kind if music is perfect without feeling like you’ve gone back to primary school, since most of the lyrics are vulgar or dirty (see the Nekromantix song Horny in a Hearse) which can only make it that little bit more enjoyable.

2) It a scene to check out others and be checked out but instead of being rated on your body type, it’s an exhibition of revamped clothes and a mix-match of styles. That’s perhaps the great part of this genre and their punters; there’s no pressure to look a certain part or dress in a particular style as long as you make it your own. I saw anything from girls in 50s styled dresses with skull prints to guys in bright pimp suit jackets and leather pants. Whatever the fashion, you are guaranteed to see some crazy and outrageous things that will inspire you to go home, get out the sewing machine and start cutting up those clothes or raid through a local op-shop.

3) Following on from the spectacle of fashion, hair styles are also a major part of this scene…please don’t think that it’s a must in order for you to be able to go to these gigs or that it’s more about the style than the music itself! Really, it’s all about the event as a whole and you’d be surprised how much of a difference a crowd can make when they are influenced by the music and reflect a style which creates an aesthetic value to the experience. For girls there’s a range of short fringes, bobs, Mohawks, pinned curls, 50s inspired waves or pin-up fringes, just to name a few. For the boys there’s Mohawks, skin head, Elvis styled fringes, tall spiked up hair and my personal favourite the flat top.

4) If you are a fan of kitsch, pulp fiction and cult classic styles than this is certainly the kind of music for you. Most bands carry a theme with them, for Zombie Ghost Train it runs along the lines of ghoulish, living dead punkers with a splash of vibrant colour. As for The Nekromantix there’s an obvious theme of all things spooky, namely death, with self reference in the title, a coffin for their double bass and haunting laughs and sounds throughout their songs. Both bands take their themes and styles very seriously with attention to detail; anything to do with the band (from flyers, websites, album covers, stage names, instruments, threads and songs) is inspired and formed around this concept. I’m also a huge lover of puns and phrases which follow such concepts; For ZGT past albums include Glad Rags and Body Bags featuring a song titled Black, White and Dead. As for the Nekro’s the list is endless with songs such as, Demons are a Girls Best Friend, Return of the Loving Dead and Life’s a Grave-Dig It!

5) And finally, if you’re like me- a sucker for slapping…double bass that is, than you can’t go any further than these guys. Forget The Living End…you haven’t seen a double bass played at it’s most extreme until you have watched either of these bands. Zombie Ghost Train’s double bass player and back up vocals, Captain Reckless, certainly rocks out in style. He plays the instrument from all angles and levels, laying down, dancing around it and balancing on top of it. Having also played a whole set in roller skates, Captain Reckless is definitely one energetic guy who will pump up the crowd and deliver the music with thrilling entertainment. The Nekromantix lead vocals and upright bassist Kim Nekroman started out with a child’s coffin for his bass but due to the poor sound it provided, he fashioned his own in order to create the perfect look and sound. Even though these guys have been around since the late ‘80s they certainly haven’t lost any rhythm and energy (or looks either, me-ow! Kim is also married to rockabilly hottie, Patty lead vocals and upright bassist for The Horrorpops) managing to play a wild 10 minute solo and then impromptu performance between the drummer, this band feeds of each others energy and puts it out there in the crowd too.

The main reason why you should go and see a rockabilly/psychobilly gig is because of all of the above- it’s an experience unlike any other; all of your senses will be overwhelmed and I promise that it will be unlike anything else you’ve done before!

Myspace: Zombie Ghost Train