Anyway to celebrate my most recent head injury as well as the fact that I'm in a dastardly mood right now I thought I'd post some metal up here for you to all enjoy, given that I know WBDF is at the forefront of the global Metal scene..... or not.
Psychroptic are a band you have to feel sorry for, not for any other reason than the fact that they hail from Tasmania. Drummer Dave Haley is one of the most phenomenal metal drummers in the country. The clip is for the first single from the new album Ob(servant) - take it from about the 1:20 mark if you get bored.
Who else makes me bang my head? Canadians Protest the Hero were brought my attention by a friend and while they grated a little bit at first I've started to realise that maybe this is how a band like Karnivool could sound if they grew some balls. Now thats not fair but yeah. Its like Coke and Diet Coke I guess. Awesome musicianship though regardless.
Have a good weekend.