Monday, August 3, 2009

They Don't Care About Us

Hey guys, I'll be brief (I got meat pies cooking away).

I highly reccomend you give this track a try. It has got to pop up somewhere. Car ad, Canon Ad, iTunes ad, SOMETHING. A uber cool indie supergroup (i know you've heard that before) but they produce some really interesting music. They're a throwback to a time when things made more sense with more drugs. This is easily their finest track.

Mp3: The Phenomenal Handclap Band - 15-20
Cheers to Berkeley Place for the link.

It's difficult to find something about Dappled Cities that isn't awesome. They're back with a new clip for the track "The Price" and they launched their latest full length in typically cool fashion. They hired out 12 Kenards Hire storage spaces and invited 12 up and coming artists to decorate these spaces with each track off the album as inspiration. The results are stunning and the finest photographer going round Daniel Boud was there to take some snaps. Click Here to see all the astounding photos. Now as far as the actual track goes, it's solid but it does have that Luke Steele told us what to do feel to it. Still brilliant, but it isn't Holy Chord.


Nancy Magoo said...

I hate Luke Steele. In fact, I hate the whole Steele family.

I don't get why everyone is masturbating over Dappled Cities? Maybe i'm just slow on the uptake and i'll really dig them in 2-4 years.

Nancy Magoo said...

P.S: Now I know why they sound so familiar. My friends band supported them. Ahhhhhhhh.